Multicore World 2017

The 6th Multicore World will be held on Monday 20th to Wednesday 22nd of February 2017 at Shed 6 on the Wellington (NZ) waterfront. Nicolás Erdödy (Open Parallel) has once again done an amazing job at finding some the significant speakers in the world in parallel programming and multicore systems to attend. Although a short - and not an enormous conference - the technical quality is always extremely high, dealing with some of the most fundamental problems and recent experiences in these fields.

This year's conference includes figures such as Tony Hey ( speaking on the convergence of data and compute, Michelle Simmons ( on quantum computing, John Gustafson ( on hardware for universal numbers, Satoshi Matsuoka on Japanese HPC, Big Data, and artificial intelligence, Juan Carlos Guzman and Andrew Ensor on developments with the Square Kilometer Array, Nathan DeBardeleben on supercomputer resilience, Happy Sithole on using OpenStack for HPC in Africa, and many other high quality speakers (even some politicians).

For anyone interesting in parallel programming and high throughput computing this is certainly one of the best local conferences that concentrates with a laser-like focus on those subjects.

Of course, you do have to put up with me being MC. :)

Multicore World

Multicore World Programme

Multicore World Speakers List