A Tale of Two Conferences: ISC and TERATEC 2017

This year the International Supercomputing Conference and TERATEC were held in close proximity, the former in Frankfurt from June 17-21 and the latter in Paris from June 27-28. Whilst the two conferences differ greatly in scope (one international, one national) and language (one Anglophone, the other Francophone), the dominance of Linux as the operating system of
choice at both was overwhelming.

This presentation will provide an overview of the two conferences concentrating on the two items of particular focus. Firstly, the advances and use of Linux in the field of automated vehicles, which was prevalent at ISC, and secondly, health care data metrics, which was prevalent at the second. The presentation will also provide some reasons for how Linux has come to dominate in the field of research computing, and what threats and opportunities exist to its use.

  • A Tale of Two Conferences: ISC and TERATEC 2017. Presentation to Linux Users of Victoria, December 5, 2017
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    ISC and TERATEC: A Tale of Two Conferences

    Last year the International Supercomputing Conference and TERATEC were held in close proximity, the former in Frankfurt from June 17-21 and the latter in Paris from June 27-28. Whilst the two conferences differ greatly in scope (one international, one national) and language (one Anglophone, the other Francophone), the dominance of Linux as the operating system of choice at both was overwhelming.

    This review provide an overview of the two conferences concentrating on the two items of particular focus. Firstly, the advances and use of Linux in the field of automated vehicles, which was prevalent at ISC, and secondly, health care data metrics, which was prevalent at the second. The
    presentation will also provide some reasons for how Linux has come to dominate in the field of research computing, and what threats and opportunities exist to its use.

    About ISC

    The International Supercomputing Conference is the European equivalent of the ACM/IEEE Supercomputing Conference which has been held in the US. The precursor was the "Mannheim Supercomputer Seminar" (1986) which became the International Supercomputing Conference and Exhibition (ISC). Managed by a fifty-plus steering committee, mainly Europeans (mainly German), some people from the USA. a few from Japan, Korea, South Africa, Taiwan etc

    Nobody from Australia or New Zealand! Also has a Research Papers committee, PhD Forum Programme Committee, Research Posters Committee, Project Posters Committee, Tutorials committee, BoFS committee, Workshops committee.

    Since 1993 the conference has been the venue for one of the twice yearly TOP500 announcements are named. Conference also hosts multiple award ceremonies; Hans Meuer Award (outstanding research paper), Gauss Award, PhD Forum Award, ISC Research Poster Award, PRACE-ISC Research Poster Award

    ISC 2017 Conference

    First 15 ISC conferences were in Mannheim with 81 (1986) to 257 (2000) attendees. After that it was in Heidelberg ranging from 340 (2001) to 650 (2005) attendees, then Dresden with 915 (2006) to 1375 (2008), Hamburg 1670 (2009) to 2403 (2012), Leipzig 2423 (2013) to 2405 (2014), and Frankfurt 2846 (2015) to 3253 (2017).

    The 2017 ISC High Performance conference attracted 3,253 attendees from 60 countries, as well as 148 companies and research organizations. Over 40% of attendees from North and Central Europe, 23% from Western and Southern Europe, 20% from North America, 14% from Asia and Australia; 44% academic, 39% industry, 12% students.

    First day consisted of ten streams of tutorials. Beginner's guide to supercomputing, I/O Performance on HPC, hybrid parallel programming, linerar algrebra, data compression, advanced MPI, infiniband and high speed ethernet, advanced OpenMP programming, MPI+X hybrid programming.

    Next three days were keynotes, awards, conference presentations, and exhibitor presentations, with up to four streams. A great deal on machine learning, vehicle automation, materials science, life sciences, interconnect development, energy consumption, exascale computing. About 170+ non-vendor presentations and BoFs.

    Complete guide available here: http://www.isc-hpc.com/files/isc_events/documents/ISC2017_ConferenceGuid...


    Hans Mauer Award: "Designing Dynamic and Adaptive MPI Point-to-point Communication Protocols for Efficient Overlap of Computation and Communication", Dr. Hari Subromoni, Ohio University et al

    Gauss Award: "Diagnosing Performance Variations in HPC Applications Using Machine Learning", Ozan Tuncer, Boston University et al

    About TERATEC

    TERATEC is a French organisation that exists to support collaborative R&D projects, and includes over eighty technological and industrial companies, laboratories and research centers, universities and engineering schools, who combine their resources in high performance computation

    Founded in 2005 as the result of a joint initiative of the Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA) along with several industrial partners to form a French competence centre for numerical simulation. Located at Essonne department at the Bruyères le Châtel commune, almost 40km south of the Ile de la Cité, Paris.

    Includes a TERATEC campus, which has several IT companies, including BULL/ATOS, CEA, ESI Group, and INTEL, along with an incubator and business centre supproted by the Essonne Chamber of Commerce and Industry, with several companies including AS+ Groupe Eolen, Nvidia, Paratools, Scilab, Seagate etc, and indusrial laboratories for the The Exascale Computing Research Laboratory (INTEL/CEA/GENCI/UVSQ), the Extreme Computing Laboratory (BULL/CEA), and Centre d’Expertise en Simulation des Matériaux CESIMat (CEA, Faurecia, L'Oreal, Michelin, Safran. c.f.,

    TERATEC's Activities

    Activities include initiatives in improving industrial utilisation of high performance numerical simulation. For example, TERATEC initiated the ETP4HPC (http://www.etp4hpc.eu), the European Technology Platform for High Performance Computing to encourage HPC uptake by industry. Currently engaged in 11 major research projects (e.g., big data solutions, HPC energy efficiency, high definition 3D medical imagery, smart agriculture, urban imagery etc http://www.teratec.eu/activites/projetsR_D.html)

    TERATEC has initiated two postgraduate technology degrees; a Master of Science in Informatics, High Performance Computing and Simulation (MIHPS), and a Master of Modelling and Simulation. These are in coordination with École Centrale de Paris (ECP), École Normale Supérieure de Cachan (ENS-Cachan), École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées (ENSTA), Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires (INSTN), and Université de Versailles - Saint Quentin en Yvelines (UVSQ).

    TERATEC Forum

    The TERATEC Forum is an annual HPC event in Europe is held in June of each year. Initial conferences were held at the Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, and Genocentre, Evry, but since then it has been at the Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau. From 2010 onwards it has attracted over 1000 attendees.

    The 2017 TERATEC Forum was held on 27 and 28 June 2017 on the campus of the Ecole Polytechnique and attracted over 1300 attendees. Increasingly positioning itself as the European Conference for HPC (as opposed to ISC as the international conference). Combination of plenary
    sessions, workshops, exhibitors, and social events.

    Combination of high-level and policy-driven presentations, sponsor presentations, technical case studies which combined theoretical expositions with practical implementations. Plenary presentations available (abstract, slides, and video at (http://www.teratec.eu/forum_2017/colloque.html), Some particular presentations of note:

    * Dr. Norbert Luetke-Entrup, Siemens Corporate Technology, "Digitalization - a perspective from the electrical industry" (turbines, process controllers etc and especially Mindsphere OS for IoT)
    * Jay D. Humphrey, Yale University, USA, Comprendre la progression des maladies vasculaires grâce à la simulation numérique, Understanding vascular disease progression via advanced computational modeling (leading cause of death in the world, blood clots, heart disease and strokes)
    * Adeline Loison, Alassane Cisse, Déléguée Analytique et Délégué IT, Le Machine Learning dans l’industrie; De la prédiction à la prescription (bank fraud, customer retention in telecommunications, urban maintenance)

    Linux and the Big Iron

    The June 2017 Top500 was announced at ISC. Linux systems made up 498/500 (99.6%), UNIX systems made up 2/500 (0.4%). For Linux this is an increase from the same time from 497 (June 2016), 489 (June 2015), 485 (June 2014), 476 (June 2013), 462 (June 2012), 457 (June 2011), 456 (June 2010), 442 (June 2009), 427 (June 2008), 367 (June 2007). In November 2017 it was announced that Linux made
    up 500/500 of the Top500.

    Reasons for this dominance are well established: (a) The command line interface provides a great deal more power and is very resource efficient. The GNU/Linux operating system and utilty suite scales and does so with stability and efficiency. (b) Critical software such as the Message Parsing Interface (MPI) and nearly all scientific programs are designed to work with GNU/Linux. Linux is based on UNIX which is based on Multics means more than fifty years of software development. (c) The operating system, utilities, and many applications are provided with "free and open source" licenses which are better placed to improve, optimize and maintain, especially in a high performance computing environment.

    Two Examples: Vehicular Automation and Health Data

    One example stream from ISC was Deep Learning, and one particular set of presentations was "PC & Big Data for Autonomous Driving & Connected Vehicles". Presentations from BMW, Intel, Bosch. Emphasis on transition from fully human control to fully automated system. Use of
    machine learning to identify objects. Use of data connectivity to provide mapping, road rules etc.

    Multiple sessions from TERATEC on health and bioinformatics. Presentations from Yale and Bayer. Simulation and modelling of vascular disease progression with hemodynamic simulations, personalised health informatics with massive improvements in bioanalytical data processing (e.g.,
    protein characteristation, DNA sequencing) - and with related improvements in agriculture.

    Free Riders and Artificial Scarcity

    Industry is very fond of making use of GNU/Linux as an operating system for computation. If an equivalent contribution is not provided equal to use then that they are acting as free riders.

    Industry is typically less keen in opening its data to further development. This is a form of artificial scarcity. Nevertheless European approaches that use dirigisme (France) and Ordoliberalism (Germany) as public indicative planning and infrastructure mechanisms can avoid some of these negative effects.

    Also, satisfies Turing-Church hypothesis in terms of economic producitivty. Collaborative data projects also further these technological development - these are presentations in their own right!

    c.f., Automative Grade Linux (https://www.automotivelinux.org/), OS Vehicle (https://www.osvehicle.com/), OpenSource Car Control (http://oscc.io/); OpenMRS (http://openmrs.org/) and OpenEMR (http://www.open-emr.org/), Health Data (https://www.healthdata.gov/), Protein Data Bank (https://www.rcsb.org, https://www.pdbe.org).

    Other Visits and Papers

    The attendance to ISC (Frankfurt) and TERATEC (Paris) was supplemented by other visits and meetings.

    This included meeting with Bernd Wiebelt and Michael Janczyk from the University of Freiburg supercomputing centre who were at Frankfurt to discuss our differences in hybrid HPC/cloud approaches. This resulted in the publication, "Spartan and NEMO: Two HPC-Cloud Hybrid Implementations", poster and presentation to IEEE eScience, Auckland, October 25, 2017, co-authored with Bernd Wiebelt.

    Another important visit with the Frankfurt University HPC centre for two of their training sessions (June 16 and June 30), one on an introduction to HPC and a second on debugging serial and parallel code. These meetings contributed to a "Teaching High Throughput Computing: An International Comparison of Andragogical Techniques", a presentation to eResearchAustralasia, Brisbane, October 18, 2017 and co-authored with Anja Gerbes.

    Additional meetings of note including a interview with Dell, which was for the generation of on a video featuring Spartan, a meeting with Nia Alexandrov of the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre on the development of PRACE's eductaional programme, and a meeting with L'Institut du Calcul et de la Simulation, L’Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Sorbonne Universités, which featured visualisation techniques in archeology, but also included the use of Singularity and Octave on HPC systems.

    Much of the the content of this 'blog entry is replicated in "A Tale of Two Conferences: ISC and TERATEC 2017", a presentation to Linux Users of Victoria, December 5, 2017

    I see a beautiful city and a brilliant people rising from this abyss
    -- Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

    Originally posted at: http://blogs.unimelb.edu.au/researchplatforms/2018/01/29/isc-and-teratec...