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Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$comment_count in comment_node_page_additions() (line 728 of /home/levla/public_html/modules/comment/comment.module).

Gratin de Thon aux Haricots Secs

Recipe: 3 teaspoons olive oil, 800g haricot beans, 3 tablespoons cream, 360g tinned tuna in olive oil, 80g grated gruyere, 4 tablespoons coarse breadcrumbs, 2 onions coarsely chopped, 1 tablespoon garlic, 3 tablespoons parsley

Heat half the oil in a pan. Add garlic to pan, sauté onions. Add haricot beans, mix, cook, and then mash. Add cream, tuna and mix well. Add a layer of breadcrumbs (I found rye works well) to the base of a baking dish mixed with oil. Add parsley to the tuna and bean mix and mix well (some say add to the top, but I find it is more delicious added in). Add a layer of oiled breadcrumbs on top, I found that tomato-infused bread was fantastic. Add the tuna and bean mix to the baking dish. Top with gruyere or other hard cheese (*glares at cheddar*). Cook for twenty minutes, leaving a crunchy crust.