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Computer Users Manual, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Democratic Republic of East Timor

Ministry Hompage





Chapter I: Hardware and Software

Definition of a PC
Case/Chassis and Power Supply
Floppy Disk Drive
Hard Disk Drive
CD Drive
Video Hardware
Input/Output Ports
SCSI and IDE Interface
Keyboards and Mice
Printers and Scanners
Software Concepts
Systems Software
Applications Software

Chapter II: Networks and Communications
Chapter III: Operating Systems
Chapter IV: Applications
Chapter V: Basic Coding and Programming
Chapter VI: Basic Systems Administration
Appendicies: Ministry Policy


A program is a list of instructions that a computer follows. A typical program consists of variables, operators that manipulate a program and statements of activity. Programs exist as either high-level languages, low-level languages or machine code. High-level languages resemble human syntax and expressions and therefore most programming is done in them. They include languages such as Pascal, C, C++ and Basic. Low-level languages such as assembler are orientated more towards the particular internal architecture of the machine. Machine code is the lowest level language of all. It is pretty well incomprehensible to humans, generated from either a compiler or interpreter.

A compiler translates the source code of a program into object code. It operates by compiling the entirety of the code - otherwise it will not function at all. This differs from an interpreter, which will execute each line of code as it goes. Programs produced by compilers generally operate faster.

Most programs are written in C or C++. Dynamic WebPages can be created through a language like Perl or Java. Microsoft has a version of BASIC, called Visual Basic which is used to create applications. One could argue - although it is stretching the definition of programming a great deal - that the coding that goes into creating Macro commands for applications, batch files for operating systems, Structured Query Language (SQL) statements for database or even HTML/XHTML code is a form of programming with a very high level language, although the key difference is that these are instructions to a pre-existing program rather than instructions to the architecture of the system itself.

Example Programs and Codes (xhtml, Turbo Pascal and Assembler)

The following an xhtml document that outputs 'hello world' when processed by a web browser.

<!DOCTYPE html 
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
	<title>Hello World XHTML Page</title>
<h1><center>Hello World!</center></h1>

The following is a 'hello world!' program written in Turbo Pascal.

program hello world;
      world_call: string;
	world_call := 'Hello world!';

The following is a 'hello world!' program in Assembler/DOS for the Intel 8X086.

code	segment para
	assume  cs:code,ds:code

	org	0100h
start:		mov	dx,offset message	;point to message
		mov	ah,09h		;MS-DOS function # to print string
		int	21h			;call DOS
		mov	ax,4c00h		;exit
		int	21h

message	db	'Hello World!',13,10,'$'
end	start

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, GPA Building #1, Ground Floor, Dili, East Timor

valid XHTML 1.0! valid CSS Level2! Level Triple-A conformance icon, W3C-WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 Unicode encoded use any browser!

Website code and design by Lev Lafayette. Last update August 20, 2003