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Computer Users Manual, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Democratic Republic of East Timor




Chapter I: Hardware and Software
Chapter II: Networks and Communications
Chapter III: Operating Systems
Chapter IV: Applications
Chapter V: Basic Coding and Programming
Chapter VI: Basic Systems Administration


Network Use Policy
Website Content and Design Policy
Physical and Data Security Policy
Computer, Account and Email Naming Policy
Computer Knowledge and Skills Evaluation

Ministry Hompage

Network Use Policy


The purpose of the Ministry computer network is to provide productive communication and information collation relevant to the Ministry’s role.

This network use policy ensures that users behave in a productive, secure and appropriate manner.

These policies are developed with recognition of bandwidth and security issues, as well as the need for an efficient and effective public service.

In this document the 'network', refers to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation local area network, the data and voice nodes connected to that network, the telephones and computers connected to that network and any peripherals connected to those computers.

Basic Principles

The use of the network is subject to all applicable national laws.

Use of the network is only limited to for legitimate users. Legitimate users are employed staff of the Ministry and persons contracted by the Ministry in employment conditions.

User accounts for the network are available to permanent staff of the Ministry, the Ministers and their advisors.

The network is provided to support the administrative, research and public service missions of the Ministry. During working hours it must be limited to those purposes, except in cases of emergencies. Outside working hours, the network may be used for limited personal use.

The network may not be used by non-Ministry entities, except in the case of contractors and then only in conjunction with their Ministry-related contractual activities.

The IT Policy Advisor to MFAC is responsible for the design, operation and management of the network subject to the final authority of the Director of Administration.

Breach of these conditions by an employee constitutes sufficient grounds for dismissal from employment and possibly criminal prosecution.

Use and Security Responsibilities of Users and Administrators

Electronic mail, telephones and other forms of electronic communications should be used in a responsible, courteous manner.

All communications sent from the Ministry must carry the proper identity of the sender.

A System Administrator may see the contents of electronic messages and other data. Personal electronic mail is confidential to the individual and will not be released.

Network data transmissions are not secure. Sensitive data must be encrypted separately before transmission or be transmitted with a network transmission protocol that provides encryption automatically.

Individual Divisions are responsible for ensuring that use is limited to legitimate users and is consistent with MFAC policies and with contractual obligations governing the software or services offered on the network. Divisional Directors are responsible for informing a System Administrator for breaches of policy.

Individual users are responsible for the security of their desktop machines (computers, 'phones, printers other peripherals). System administrators are responsible for the security of server machines and peripherals. All users must have unique user names and passwords and all machines must be registered with an approved domain name server.

Information servers (e.g. WWW servers) must display the name, e-mail address, and Division of the Ministry of the person responsible for maintaining the information displayed.

Any use of the network that consumes greatly disproportionate resources as to cause a noticeable degrading in the services available to others will be reviewed by the IT Policy Advisor.

Any security violation that represents a significant misuse of MFAC resources or violates MFAC policies will be brought to the attention of the appropriate authorities.

System Administrator staff shall monitor, log and examine any data transfer necessary to maintain operational reliability, efficiency and to ensure data security. This may include random audits, monitoring records and access control.

System Administrators shall disclose data obtained during the course of their duties only after appropriate authorization from the Director of Administration, Vice Minister or Minister or when asked to do so by a law enforcement agency.

Policy Version 1.0 Last update February 5, 2003

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, GPA Building #1, Ground Floor, Dili, East Timor

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