lev_lafayette's blog

Installing LAMMPS (and MEAM) on a 64-bit AMD Opteron Cluster running CentOS 5 Linux

LAMMPS (Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator) is used to model atoms or as a parallel particle simulator at the atomic, meso, or continuum scale. It has potentials for soft materials (biomolecules, polymers) and solid-state materials (metals, semiconductors) and coarse-grained or mesoscopic systems.

I'm surprised I haven't documented this in the past, because I've installed it plenty of times. Nevertheless here's how it goes.

Topic Five: Marketing Research and Buyer Behaviour

To provide marketers and managers with the information they need to make good decisions, marketing-oriented organisations are increasingly investing in developing and maintaining effective marketing information systems (MIS). These systems consist of people, equipment and procedures committed to identifying, gathering and analysing relevant market information.

According to Malhotra (2007) the purposes of gathering market research information are to:
- identify and define marketing opportunities and problems
- generate, refine and evaluate marketing actions

Topic Three: Marketing Strategy and Planning

Marketing planning provides a framework for focussing scarce organisational resources on the right markets and activities within those markets in order to maintain organisational growth, defend markets and customer relationships against threats, minimise the long-term damage of market downturns and enter new markets or develop new products or services.

Topic Two: The Marketing Environment

Marketing emphasises the need for an organisation to match its capabilities with customer wants and needs and then offer an exchange that simultaneously adds value for the customer and the organisation. However, what this understanding explicitly incorporated was that for an organisation to maximise its success it must: demonstrate a customer focus., define products via customer needs., integrate marketing across the organisation., capture, share and value marketing intelligence.

Topic One: The Discipline of Marketing

Marketing is a way of thinking and an approach to business that is based on the organisation's attempt to meet its customers' needs as best it can and to simultaneously create value for the organisation and for the customer.

As an activity marketing is a process that matches the wants and needs of customers with an organisation's ability to meet these wants and needs by providing appropriate goods and services. It creates value for the customers by:

  • giving them suitable products (goods or services)

Replicating Packages on a new Debian/Ubuntu install

For a variety of reasons, you may wish to upgrade your Debian/Ubuntu or similar system without going through the normal process of a distribution update. Perhaps you are, for example, moving to entirely new hardware. Obviously you want to keep the data in your home directory; but you may also wish to keep the various packages you have previously downloaded. The following is some simple steps to make your life easier.

Submission to Council of Ministers on the .tp Domain Name and the Official English National Name of "Timor Leste"

1. Recommendations

That the International Standards Organisation and the United Nations Statistics Division be contacted and the name 'Timor Leste' (and the abbreviation, TLS) be reverted to 'East Timor' (and the abbreviation, TMP) immediately.

That the .tp domain space be retained and commercial developments exploited.

That the Administrative Contact be redelegated from an individual to a representative of the Government ex-officio.

That the Technical Contact be retained subject to a contract between the Government of East Timor and the Technical Contact.

Unit 403: Managing Information Systems

Study Guide

  • Topic One: Managing IS To Seize New Strategic Opportunities
  • Topic Two: Information Systems and Strategy
  • Topic Three: Managing Using A Systems Approach
  • Topic Four: Managing Information Systems Development
  • Topic Five: Moving From IS Planning To IT Planning
  • Topic Six: Managing Organisational Data
  • Topic Seven: Managing IS Services and Business Networks
  • Topic Eight: IS Project Management
  • Topic Nine: Professional Ethics and Managing Technological Change
