Lesson Six (Leciono Ses): There's A Problem!

It is inevitable that when first learning a language mistakes will be made. You may not hear something correctly, you may not use the right word, you may not know a particular word.

Pardonon? Can You Say It Again?

"Pardon? Cxu vi povus ripeti?"

Can you speak slowly? Write it down please! I've been learning Esperanto for only one month

"Cxu vi povus paroli pli malrapide? Bonvolu gxin skribi! Mi lernas la Esperanton dum nur unu monato."

What is this? What's that called in Esperanto? What does "kato" mean In English?

"Kio estas tio? Kiel tio nomigxas en Esperanto? Kion signifas "kato" en anglan?"

("kato" is cat, by the way!)

I don't understand, I don't know, I have no idea!

"Mi ne komprenas, Mi ne scias, Mi ne havas ideon!"

Maybe I need to practice my Esperanto. My Esperanto is bad.

"Eble Mi bezonas trejnigxi mian esperaton. Mia esperanto estas malbona."