MrBayes HPC Installation
Mr. Bayes is a program for Bayesian inference and model choice across a wide range of phylogenetic and evolutionary models.
Download, extract. Note that the developers have produced a tarbomb which will require a separate directory created before download. This has been raised as a bug.
Note that more recent versions of MrBayes make much better use of autoconfiguration tools.
cd /usr/local/src/MRBAYES
mkdir mrbayes-3.2.5
cd mrbayes-3.2.5
tar xvf mrbayes-3.2.5.tar.gz
module load openmpi-gcc/1.8.4
module load beagle/20150401
mkdir -p /usr/local/mrbayes/3.2.5
./configure --enable-mpi=yes --with-beagle=/usr/local/beagle/20150401
cp mb /usr/local/mrbayes/3.2.5/
Create link to the module files.
cd /usr/local/Modules/modulefiles/mrbayes
ln -s .base 3.2.5
The .base file has the following form:
## $name modulefile
set ver [lrange [split [ module-info name ] / ] 1 1 ]
set name [lrange [split [ module-info name ] / ] 0 0 ]
set loading [module-info mode load]
set desc [join [read [ open "/usr/local/Modules/modulefiles/$name/.desc" ] ] ]
proc ModulesHelp { } {
puts stderr "This module sets the envinronment for $name v$ver"
module-whatis "$desc (v$ver)"
prepend-path PATH /usr/local/$name/$ver
Note that this is a substantial revision of previous installations.