The HPC Certification Forum : A Call for NZ Contribution

The 2022 eResearch New Zealand conference was held on the 9th to 11th of February, co-hosted by New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI), REANNZ, and Genomics Aotearoa, and preceded by Carpentaries Connect, a community of institutions and universities that run Software Carpentry, Data Carpentry, and Library Carpentry workshops.

A brief presentation was given to the conference on the HPC Certification Forum and, in particular, a call for participation from New Zealand. The key elements of the presentation included identifying the growth of large datasets and complex problems, the demand for training by researchers, the formation and history of the HPC Certification Forum to provide an "HPC driving license", and the relationship between examinable material by the Forum and the delivery of content by institutions.

Aotearoa-New Zealand is identified as a country that could make a significant contribution to the HPC Certification Forum. In the past, it has made significant strides in reviewing and reviving the HPC Carpentry, and at least one institution (University of Waikato) has taught HPC usage to research scientists outside of specialist computer science courses. The range of potential participation was provided and encouraged to attendees.