
Unit 202: Business Law

Topic 1: Introduction to the law in Australia
Topic 2: Contract law—Part 1
Topic 3: Contract law—Part 2
Topic 4: The law of torts
Topic 5: Property law
Topic 6: Trade practices legislation
Topic 7: Business organisations
Topic 8: Employment and workplace relations law
Topic 9: The law of agency
Topic 10: Commercial dispute resolution

Unit 201: Economic Decision Making

Topic 1: The goals of firms and of public institutions
Topic 2: Demand and supply
Topic 3: Estimating demand and forecasting
Topic 4: Production theory
Topic 5: Cost analysis
Topic 6: Market models for pricing and output decisions
Topic 7: Pricing decisions in practice
Topic 8: Capital budgeting and consideration of risk
Topic 9: Benefit-cost analysis
Topic 10: Some important aspects of the role of government

Case Study: Pricing in the Electricity Industry.

Installing a GUI for EGSnrc Usercodes

A previous installation of EGSnrc was based around a command-line option. There is also a GUI interface for EGSnrc usercodes which is quite trivial to install and run.

Ensure that your environment variables for EGSnrc are loaded (e.g., module load egs). For example

set	HEN_HOUSE	/usr/local/EGSnrc/$version/
set	my_machine	x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-pgf77
setenv  EGS_HOME	/home/$USER/egsnrc/

Installing Underworld on a 64-bit AMD Opteron Cluster running CentOS 5 Linux

Underworld is a 3D-parallel geodynamic modelling framework capable of deriving viscous / viscoplastic thermal, chemical and thermochemical models consistent with tectonic processes, such as mantle convection and lithospheric deformation over long time scales.

Installing Demond on a 64-bit AMD Opteron Cluster running CentOS 5 Linux

Desmond is a software package developed at D.E. Shaw Research to perform high-speed molecular dynamics simulations of biological systems on parallel systems. Desmond and its source code are available without cost for non-commercial use by universities and other not-for-profit research institutions.

Installing LAMMPS (and MEAM) on a 64-bit AMD Opteron Cluster running CentOS 5 Linux

LAMMPS (Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator) is used to model atoms or as a parallel particle simulator at the atomic, meso, or continuum scale. It has potentials for soft materials (biomolecules, polymers) and solid-state materials (metals, semiconductors) and coarse-grained or mesoscopic systems.

I'm surprised I haven't documented this in the past, because I've installed it plenty of times. Nevertheless here's how it goes.

Topic Five: Marketing Research and Buyer Behaviour

To provide marketers and managers with the information they need to make good decisions, marketing-oriented organisations are increasingly investing in developing and maintaining effective marketing information systems (MIS). These systems consist of people, equipment and procedures committed to identifying, gathering and analysing relevant market information.

According to Malhotra (2007) the purposes of gathering market research information are to:
- identify and define marketing opportunities and problems
- generate, refine and evaluate marketing actions

Topic Three: Marketing Strategy and Planning

Marketing planning provides a framework for focussing scarce organisational resources on the right markets and activities within those markets in order to maintain organisational growth, defend markets and customer relationships against threats, minimise the long-term damage of market downturns and enter new markets or develop new products or services.

Topic Two: The Marketing Environment

Marketing emphasises the need for an organisation to match its capabilities with customer wants and needs and then offer an exchange that simultaneously adds value for the customer and the organisation. However, what this understanding explicitly incorporated was that for an organisation to maximise its success it must: demonstrate a customer focus., define products via customer needs., integrate marketing across the organisation., capture, share and value marketing intelligence.
